Oh dear. No sooner than Prince Harry rolls out of one court with a little settlement the crosshairs are now turning back on him. Like the Dunce-Man Duke of York it seems Harry boy is connected to Puff Daddy’s sex parties.

I am willing to bet he put his name to it and did nothing wrong. I reckon Puff asked for his name to lend credibility. Harry, a little short on the IQ did a favour for his mate, after Puff bloated his ego and called him “a cool guy.” He didn’t read the risks. Puff does the naughty stuff with a few girls when he shouldn’t be. Poor Harry gets connected. That’s my punt.

But cast our mind back to Dunce Man Duke of York’s case. Whether he did or not let’s put aside. What actually happened? Hush money paid her off, as either he was naughty, or his family knew he couldn’t handle the heat / PR of a court case. So if you were an American female nugget-hunter (no shortage of them!) who may have been at the party, and he had attended you could throw an accusation in, and assume the Royals will probably throw a few gold nuggets your way to drop the case. Wouldn’t you take the shot?

This could all get a bit lively I reckon.

1. Will Meghan have enough and dump him? It’s not a good look for a B-list Hollywood nugget-hunter who failed to secure a HRH title, and is now married to man she may have doubts about?

2. Can Harry survive this level of grilling in a courtroom under very heavy pressure, if it gets to that?

3. If allegations arise, will the King be so willing to be personally attached to a pay-off for his son who caused him a lot of bother, should any nugget-hunting US girls make claims of sexual abuse? Or will he let him sink?

4. Will Meghan Markle try and make a few cheap coins at his expense if she dumps him, and commercialises it? Perhaps making an update on the 1989 film? Maybe call it when Harry Met Sally II?

I punt that he did nothing wrong. He doesn’t give off that air of being seedy, just a bit dim. But I hope for his sake he is innocent because Netflix and Big Auntie Oprah can’t save his derriere this time if he has been potching where he shouldn’t. As Eminem said, “This shit is about to get heavy”…..