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Thread: Can anyone explain

  1. #26

    Re: Can anyone explain

    If the crowd have any enthusiasm on arrival it is soon doused by the limp starts we continually produce. Talk about the opposition ‘silencing the crowd’, they don’t have to.

  2. #27

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by Loramski View Post
    I'm with you here. I can't see how getting on the players' backs helps anything. Trouble is on here, as Blue Matt says, that you're seen as a happy clapper if you're not frothing at the mouth 24/7 so you're part of the problem.

    As I said about Ralls in another thread, players don't make mistakes on purpose and they know when they've mishit a pass or whatever, they don't need people pointing it out to them and then reminding them about it all game. How's that going to help their confidence? Each to their own though, I guess.
    Absolutely spot on.

  3. #28

    Re: Can anyone explain

    I went to yesterday's game, first one in a while, within 4 seconds of kick off I was pissed off at Nat Phillips for booting the ball upfield, kept it to myself, but you could sense early where I was sat people weren't at all happy with Bowler. Nobody seemed upset that people weren't all praise and love for every player on the pitch.

    Im a grown man, ill have an opinion and im not really arsed what anyone else thinks because I respect other grown men have their own opinions too, if something bothers you do smothering about it, tell the fella nicely that he's spoiling yours and others gamed experience.

    He won't know unless he reads the board.

  4. #29

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    You wouldn’t moan like a pussy at your decorator before he even started though would you? Or get him back to your house every other week and moan like f*ck would you?
    You'd moan at the decorator after he'd finished the first room. You'd phone the company and request another decorator. If they sent the same decorator out a second time and he starts making another hash of the job you're unlikely to give him the chance to finish the room before you rip into him.

  5. #30

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    You wouldn’t moan like a pussy at your decorator before he even started though would you? Or get him back to your house every other week and moan like f*ck would you?
    That's not remotely the same is it? You wouldn't applaud him doing some quality cutting in either would you you melt. Nothing wrong with complaining when we're being served up crap in a football ground.

  6. #31

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by PhyllisStant View Post
    That's not remotely the same is it? You wouldn't applaud him doing some quality cutting in either would you you melt. Nothing wrong with complaining when we're being served up crap in a football ground.
    Your reply is better than the one I typed previously.

  7. #32

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by PhyllisStant View Post
    That's not remotely the same is it? You wouldn't applaud him doing some quality cutting in either would you you melt. Nothing wrong with complaining when we're being served up crap in a football ground.
    It wasn’t me who brought the decorator into the thread you absolute goon.
    The bottom line is, if you’re gonna shout and moan all through the game, then why go in the 1st place? Nobodies frog marching you into the ground are they?
    It’s not as though anything’s gonna change with this manager and squad. You know what to expect as soon as you walk in.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesp View Post
    The point of going to a game to just slag off your suppoised own team and manager for 80 odd minutes? Bloke and his mate sat near us yesterday, never seen them before. From about the second minute until they left with about 10 minutes to go constantly bitching and moaning. The one guy, big bald chap, was particularly vociferous and had a big dislike for Collins and to a lesser extent Meite. And of course he was full of telling the manager where to go. Fortunately he was a bit less shouty second half, especially when we scored. I don’t get what someone like that goes to a game for? I get we weren’t great again yesterday, but at least support the team you’ve come to watch! It reminded me a bit of Crewe away in the cup when a known hooligan from back in the day was racially abusing a City player, and the FA Cup final when the teenagers behind us were again racially abusing a City player. Surely a “supporter” supports?
    Some people on here spend years slagging off everyone at the club from Managers to the tea lady, some people are just born miserable, it's there way it makes them fulfilled.

  9. #34

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesp View Post
    The point of going to a game to just slag off your suppoised own team and manager for 80 odd minutes? Bloke and his mate sat near us yesterday, never seen them before. From about the second minute until they left with about 10 minutes to go constantly bitching and moaning. The one guy, big bald chap, was particularly vociferous and had a big dislike for Collins and to a lesser extent Meite. And of course he was full of telling the manager where to go. Fortunately he was a bit less shouty second half, especially when we scored. I don’t get what someone like that goes to a game for? I get we weren’t great again yesterday, but at least support the team you’ve come to watch! It reminded me a bit of Crewe away in the cup when a known hooligan from back in the day was racially abusing a City player, and the FA Cup final when the teenagers behind us were again racially abusing a City player. Surely a “supporter” supports?
    the fact they lasted 80 minutes is astonishing

  10. #35

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    ive never abused a player, I dont even boo them at 1/2 and full time, so I guess to some on here im a " happy clappy fan "

    never really felt its right, apart from Paul Parry in the last game at NP, he was atrocious, and I did shout abuse at him

    I look at the posts on here, yes sure some will never be happy and will only ever post negative stuff, but thats the way it is, some are only happy when moaning and bitching, some are negative glass 1/2 full folks

    Ive been taking in more non-league games this year ( logistics of coaching a team Saturday morning and driving up the M4 to Wales, its just not doable ) mainly at Bath, while the attendance is under 2 K, you never hear fans moan at players, not once have I heard any, yes the ref and Lino's take dogs abuse, but the players get none , I wonder why that is ? ?
    says he's never abused a player, then tells of a time when he abused a player

  11. #36

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by PhyllisStant View Post
    That's not remotely the same is it? You wouldn't applaud him doing some quality cutting in either would you you melt. Nothing wrong with complaining when we're being served up crap in a football ground.

    2hat, I spilt my drink all over the keyboard

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by HiVis View Post

    2hat, I spilt my drink all over the keyboard
    Yes very good

  13. #38

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by PhyllisStant View Post
    That's not remotely the same is it? You wouldn't applaud him doing some quality cutting in either would you you melt.


  14. #39

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    It wasn’t me who brought the decorator into the thread you absolute goon.
    Ha ha sorry mate it wasn’t. You’re only half melted now.

  15. #40

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    ive never abused a player, I dont even boo them at 1/2 and full time, so I guess to some on here im a " happy clappy fan "

    never really felt its right, apart from Paul Parry in the last game at NP, he was atrocious, and I did shout abuse at him

    I look at the posts on here, yes sure some will never be happy and will only ever post negative stuff, but thats the way it is, some are only happy when moaning and bitching, some are negative glass 1/2 full folks

    Ive been taking in more non-league games this year ( logistics of coaching a team Saturday morning and driving up the M4 to Wales, its just not doable ) mainly at Bath, while the attendance is under 2 K, you never hear fans moan at players, not once have I heard any, yes the ref and Lino's take dogs abuse, but the players get none , I wonder why that is ? ?
    Quote Originally Posted by HiVis View Post
    says he's never abused a player, then tells of a time when he abused a player
    that's why I wrote apart from

  16. #41

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    that's why I wrote apart from
    Oh c'mon Matt!
    You can never say "never" if you HAVE abused a player.
    It's a bit like someone saying.. "I never drink alcohol, apart from a Friday night and Saturday night".

  17. #42

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    If the crowd have any enthusiasm on arrival it is soon doused by the limp starts we continually produce. Talk about the opposition ‘silencing the crowd’, they don’t have to.
    Absolutely. I've never heard a pundit saying the crowd should get behind the team. It's always that the team should give the crowd something to feed from.

  18. #43

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    that's why I wrote apart from
    it would have been better if you did not use "never".

  19. #44

    Re: Can anyone explain

    Quote Originally Posted by Rock_Flock_of_Five View Post
    Oh c'mon Matt!
    You can never say "never" if you HAVE abused a player.
    It's a bit like someone saying.. "I never drink alcohol, apart from a Friday night and Saturday night".

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