Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
I didn't pick up on this either, imagine the chaos if people did this on fast moving motorways and duel carriageways.
Sound horns at 50 paces?

Re: London driving and roundabouts -
There is a story, maybe an urban myth, that many years ago, police were called to investigate why a car was parked on the middle of the Hyde Park Corner roundabout (the one with the Wellington Arch)
Cops drove up, got out and approached the car to find a "little old lady" in the driver's seat, crying.
"I can't get off!" she sobbed. She had been going round and round, got caught in the inner lane and no-one would leave a gap for her to exit.

Re: indicating when changing lanes on a motorway -
If it wasn't for this, I may have been involved in a nasty smash.
I was driving along theM4, just before the M4/M5 split, in lane 1.
I wanted to continue on the M4 to glorious Wales, so indicated and pulled into lane 2.
Ahead, I could see several cars indicating the same, but also a few indicating to go from 2 to 1.
I thought I'd get past in case there was trouble, so indicated and pulled into lane 3.
When i finished that move, I looked ahead again and saw a van going over the hard shoulder onto the bank, another car swerving right and left as iif trying, i=unsuccessfully, to keep control - it then spun around to face the wrong way.
I drove past (not smugly!), pulled over and called the plod.

A month later I had a stroke and got medically DQ for life - clean licence and 13 years NCB up the swannee