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Thread: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

  1. #1

    How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

    As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.

  2. #2

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Not much, a few decorating jobs coming in but that’s it. 64 isn’t to old to go shopping is it bob? I see far older in supermarket queues or you can go early and catch the oldie hours?

  3. #3

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Not much, a few decorating jobs coming in but that’s it. 64 isn’t to old to go shopping is it bob? I see far older in supermarket queues or you can go early and catch the oldie hours?
    I'm 64 and shop every week for a 90 year old lady and I'm on standby should 18 households (mainly bungalows occupied by old folk) in my street require shopping. And as I still work part-time (from home at the moment) I keep my fingers crossed that they don't all end up calling on my services.

  4. #4

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Not much, a few decorating jobs coming in but that’s it. 64 isn’t to old to go shopping is it bob? I see far older in supermarket queues or you can go early and catch the oldie hours?
    No, although I have a heart condition, take medication for hypertension and am overweight, I didn't think I'd qualify for having my food bought by a volunteer, but was advised by someone who was involved in the scheme that they thought I would be and this was later confirmed by a councillor and council employees - I feel a little guilty about it at times, but it seems pretty clear that I'm entitled to it even though I,m not on the most vulnerable list.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    No, although I have a heart condition, take medication for hypertension and am overweight, I didn't think I'd qualify for having my food bought by a volunteer, but was advised by someone who was involved in the scheme that they thought I would be and this was later confirmed by a councillor and council employees - I feel a little guilty about it at times, but it seems pretty clear that I'm entitled to it even though I,m not on the most vulnerable list.
    Nothing to feel guilty about. You have underlying conditions that could result in you having a tough time. You're also ensuring that you don't spread the virus should you get it and be asymptomatic.

    I won't be changing anything I am doing for the next 3 weeks which means I'll be going food shopping once a week and taking the odd walk.

  6. #6

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    The one change I'll make thanks to that nice Mr Drakeford is to get out more to observe neighbours very closely. I view them all with the utmost suspicion and disbelieve everything they say.

    Decent people live by the maxim of nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Everyone living nearby close their curtains or blinds when darkness falls. What are they concealing?

  7. #7

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Everyone living nearby close their curtains or blinds when darkness falls. What are they concealing?
    They close them to stop sex pest peeping Tom's like you from looking in.

  8. #8

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Very little, the weekly shop and twice weekly trip to the office.

    I assume the meeting up with family and friends at a social distance is just for England?

    The lack of clarity between the devolved administrations and the UK for someone that doesn't tune in to the news every day just feels unnecessary.

  9. #9

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Can we ride our bikes as far as we like again, and when can I drive to Tenby?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

    As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.
    But as you live in Wales it is only the government that affects you. And it is not advice it is law. You have no choice if you wish to not break the law.

  11. #11

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But as you live in Wales it is only the government that affects you. And it is not advice it is law. You have no choice if you wish to not break the law.
    How can I be arrested for "staying alert" rather than staying in, when only the person who dreamt the idiotic idea up knows for sure what it means?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    How can I be arrested for "staying alert" rather than staying in, when only the person who dreamt the idiotic idea up knows for sure what it means?
    But the instruction from the government that controls where you live is not "Stay alert" is it? So it doesn't apply to you? You are onlky banging on about it because Boris said it, but it isn't directed at you, it doesn't affect you and the message that does is clear. What's the problem?

  13. #13

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    I might make a dash for the border (from the Midlands) and see if I get turned back by immigration aka Heddlu. There's a house I need to sell in Cardiff. My paperwork looks genuine but I might need to learn to ride a motorbike if it comes to trying to leap a barbed wire fence on Offas Dyke.

  14. #14

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    But the instruction from the government that controls where you live is not "Stay alert" is it? So it doesn't apply to you? You are onlky banging on about it because Boris said it, but it isn't directed at you, it doesn't affect you and the message that does is clear. What's the problem?
    Your just being disingenuous because you have no argument when it comes to "stay alert" - are you seriously saying that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Welsh people will have watched that last night and thought it doesn't matter because none of it applies to me?

  15. #15

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

    As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.
    I think the general populus are cottoning on to the fact that Johnson is a rather hopeless buffoon who muddles his way along as he doesnt like the work that comes with the job. Not turning up for meetings, being ill-prepared, jovial and ineffective (he just expects everyone else to sort out his mess) are characteristics he has displayed more privately until he got his current job. Oh, and when pressed he just makes something up. 200k CV tests a day. That sounds good. No thought given to it at all. Just use some common sense in these unusual times.

  16. #16

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

    As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.
    From what I understand you're dog can now go to the shops twice a day with one non-household member. If he's [or she's] a guide dog or Police dog - and works in England - he can go back to work as well.

  17. #17

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Your just being disingenuous because you have no argument when it comes to "stay alert" - are you seriously saying that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Welsh people will have watched that last night and thought it doesn't matter because none of it applies to me?
    xsnaggle is right but is saying it in a very xsnaggle way.

    None of the changes Johnson mentioned yesterday apply to you or anyone else in Wales, in fact he should have specified that he was talking only to the residents of England because a lot of people will have watched that and assumed he was addressing the UK, as you rightly allude to.

    I presume that he didn't specify because it would have made him look weak and shown that Wales, Scotland and NI have distanced themselves from him regarding the best course of action so as a result Wales will probably be divided between people correctly sticking to the lockdown as it stands for the next 3 weeks, and people incorrectly sticking to the "stay alert" version he announced yesterday

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Your just being disingenuous because you have no argument when it comes to "stay alert" - are you seriously saying that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Welsh people will have watched that last night and thought it doesn't matter because none of it applies to me?
    I honestly think that despite what is said by the people on this board that the great majority of people would rather be more relaxed about it and use their common sense than be ordered to do what the government says. Whether that is right or wrong. AS I've said before, this country is goeverned by consent and if people think the law is bad they will ignore it anyway.

  19. #19

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'm a self employed 64 year old who receives no payouts from the Government (apart from a Civil Service pension every month) who, for the past five weeks has had my weekly shop done by a Council appointed volunteer who is very good, but only goes to the local Lidls and so I cannot get all of the stuff I need. Therefore, I've made the choice to also do a fortnightly shop myself to my local Tescos (in Aberdare) - those trips, plus one or two more to the local Co-op, are the only food shopping I've done in the last eight weeks. In that time, I've also had to travel to local doctor's surgeries three times for blood tests, have taken my dog on a once a day walk very early every morning and I've gone on a once a week ten minute drive without stopping anywhere to make sure my somewhat unreliable car is still working!

    As a result of the various Government announcements in the last few days, the only change I will be making to the above lifestyle is that I will start taking the dog for an additional walk today. I have decided to follow the advice of the Welsh Government, while ignoring what the UK Government says - I have come to that decision because I could understand what Mark Drakeford was saying, whereas I couldn't make out exactly what the Prime Minister, who I thought waved his arms about a lot and looked in good spirits, was trying to tell me.
    Totally agree with you TOBW;there could not have been a more confusing message sent out than BJ's speech to the nation yesterday. Why the hell did they drop the Stay At Home slogan and replace it with Stay Alert? All he has done is offered a green light now to all the idiots who have been trying to break the lockdown rules. The vast majority who have abided by the lockdown rules I hope will continue to do so. I think he has dropped a massive clanger unless of course the panic is now over?

  20. #20

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Not at all most likely. Cycle to work in the morning, cycle home, do my uni work, repeat.

  21. #21

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    I think the general populus are cottoning on to the fact that Johnson is a rather hopeless buffoon who muddles his way along as he doesnt like the work that comes with the job. Not turning up for meetings, being ill-prepared, jovial and ineffective (he just expects everyone else to sort out his mess) are characteristics he has displayed more privately until he got his current job. Oh, and when pressed he just makes something up. 200k CV tests a day. That sounds good. No thought given to it at all. Just use some common sense in these unusual times.
    I saw someone the other day say the Johnson wanted to "become" Prime Minister not "be" Prime Minister, which is something I'd go along with

  22. #22

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    I wont be changing it at all. The message is in Wales is to carry on as we were.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    I wont be changing it at all. The message is in Wales is to carry on as we were.
    Exactly my point!! But it doesn't suit the people who want to bash the Westminster government, rightly or wrongly.

  24. #24

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Exactly my point!! But it doesn't suit the people who want to bash the Westminster government, rightly or wrongly.
    I'd be fascinated to see your list of things you'd "bash" the UK Government for. Will I need to be allow myself a few minutes to read it?

  25. #25

    Re: How will you be changing how you live in the next three weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The one change I'll make thanks to that nice Mr Drakeford is to get out more to observe neighbours very closely. I view them all with the utmost suspicion and disbelieve everything they say.

    Decent people live by the maxim of nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Everyone living nearby close their curtains or blinds when darkness falls. What are they concealing?
    I bet they don't even clap on a Thursday, let alone bang a saucepan.

    Must hate the NHS.

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