Firstly i think that Cameron made a big error in allowing 6/7 of airtime to be given to political opponents - he should have just fought it out with Miliband and got 50% airtime. Last night was an unsuprising attack on him - he should have thought it through.

Farage is probably the bravest politician in the country - he says what people think. He is right to say that NHS tourism is draining. If people are coming from abroad with HIV and getting thousands of pounds of treatment its because its not available where they come from. Its sad, its awful but they have their own countrys and i actually do begrudge paying for their care if its at Welsh peoples expense. We have to have our own house in order - thats basic economics.

We should stop the aid package, not forever, but maybe for an agreed period just to get our own country straight. I agree its vital to support others, but not when its financially untenable and we borrow money to do it.

Stop aid, stop tourism and have a freeze on inward migration except for recognised VITAL roles like doctors and nurses.

Do it for three years - the world wont end.

Leanne Wood attacking Farage with faux outrage was pathetic, the man is right, we cant simply allow people into a country that doesnt have enough houses for the people already here. Look around your town and imagine 30000 extra people arriving tonight that dont even speak the language.

It takes guts to speak honest truths and he was the only one who did. As he pointed out, it was only because UKIP got votes that the other parties even began to recognise immigration as an issue.

ZERO HOURS - Labour did not oppose it thats the first fact.
ZERO HOURS - Its wrong, and i oppose it, thats the second.
ZERO HOURS - If it has had a measurable positive impact on business and the economy then as long as it is phased out (over a year or so) as the economy grows then i suppose its a necessary evil.
ZERO HOURS - Labour MPs are benefitting financially from it, 70 of them. When Cameron brought that up Miliband looked like he might faint.

Labour are certainly facked in Scotland, and its Wales that are propping this failing idea up - good job we are doing so well eh!