Feedy, you say that you speak from personal experience well here is my personal experience.
My sister has worked for the DWP for 30 years & is in charge of a job centre.
I have a close family member with severe mental health issues.
My sister says that nowadays her job is totally target driven.
She is both shocked & sickened by the state some of her customers are in that have been assessed by ATOS/DWP as fit for work & says she knows that there is no chance of them ever working.
They have just been taken off one benefit & put onto another benefit, a benefit that is cheaper for the govt.
They are now in a situation where they are under much more stress & can be subject to harsh sanctions. Neither of which are good for their already poor physical/mental health & as such worsens their quality of life which is the opposite of what the govt "claims" they are trying to do.
I do not believe that ATOS or any private company should be involved in carrying out "assessments" nor do I believe that DWP staff should have the final say as to whether someone is fit or not to work.
Quite frankly the fact that a DWP member of staff, using an ATOS "tick" sheet assessment can over rule the decision of a time served, highly trained & skilled medical professional shows the callousness of this govt & the depths they will go to to prove that they are right & save a few quid.
If they pursued tax dodgers with the same vigour as the sick & vulnerable there would be a lot more money in the coffers.
