OK - so I had an ultrasound on a number of lumps in my legs just after Christmas, the results of which were sent to my GP in late January.

I hadn't heard anything from my GP and arranged an appointment with him last week. During the appointment, he said that I had been referred to the Sarcoma Unit at UHW - not exactly what I wanted to hear - for a second opinion. The referral had been sent in the first days of this month.

As with all these things, leaving it to the doctors is not really recommended, and I have chased up the Sarcoma Unit in Cardiff and they have told me they have not received any referrals.

Back to the GP who says he will send today - so that's another 10 day wait at least, again not ideal.

Is this something that I need to complain about? It's not particularly a pleasant experience waiting to get confirmation on these lumps, and I was a bit freaked out last week when they mentioned the Sarcoma unit. Are there time limits for getting seen in these types of circumstances?