Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
It's disappointing that people being sick of Labour have lead to them cheering this on. Can you imagine what Welsh Tories would have said if in 2010 the Lib Dems helped form a rainbow coalition to keep the Tories out even though Labour lost the election (as opposed to 2015 when the Tories got in despite not winning the election) and now they are playing with Welsh democracy in a similar way.

I can understand many in Wales being sick of Labour, and especially sick of Carwyn Jones, but Wales deserves better than this and better than Reckless and Hamilton. Cheering this on would be like petitioning for a change to green just to piss off Tan who wanted red, it's not what we should want and it makes us look cheap. Can you imagine if Wales follows the America route of Obama's policies being blocked for no other reason than being Obama?

Well done to Leanne Wood who will bring in fresh ideas.
I think you will find the record shows that they did.
If the Lib Dems had kept their promise and voted for the long-overdue boundary changes then the conservative Party would have won by a lot more.
Why do people think it is fair that the conservatives need more than 10% more than the Labour party in order to win a General Election/