Quote Originally Posted by Gabalphaville View Post
You’re joking - Ed regularly got slaughtered in the press. And some of it was anti-semitic – remember the depiction of him as a “north London intellectual” who couldn’t eat a bacon sandwich? If he was such a friend of Zionism and the Zionists are as powerful as you seem to think they are how come Miliband isn’t PM today? I think you’re wrong to suggest that the campaign against Corbyn is somehow a jewish project. Sure the Israeli government don’t like him but neither do the anglo-political right and lots of his own party. And I'm sure there are plenty of jewish people who support Corbyn – Jon Lansman and James Schneider of Momentum spring to mind.

What did you think of the Dispatches stitch-up? I thought it was a bit lame.
Aren't you aware that Cameron was another huge crawler? Being a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel should provide a clue to his willingness to touch his toes for Israel. In short, the tribe couldn't lose whoever won the last general election.