Today, on the way to my daily grind, I logged in for a quick peep of the WalesOnline website to touch base with the local sport punditry. What particularly caught my eye today was the tripe produced by Dominic Booth and the article by Phil Smith.

I could possibly nominate their scribblings for some of the worst football journalism I have witnessed in my 40 or so years on this planet, but I am far too polite to say it (arf arf). I know little of their age or experience but I can only surmise that by their article quality they must be young journalists trying to create a sensationalist name for themselves. Or perhaps George Osborne's recent rise in the living wage has attracted new cheap labour into the journalism market.

Whatever the explanations I do wonder why they are devoting so much time to negative commentary. Booth suggested that (after barely two months) that Cardiff City are genuine relegation prospects. Or that they are not seeing any defensive improvements, to quote the analysis-phobic Mr Smith. None of this stuff works straight away under a new manager. If it does it is usually quite patchy. Experience tells any football fan that. They mention our last four games form, whilst gleefully ignoring the quality of our opponents. Bizarre.

Allow me to put it my way. In the first seven games with Mr Warnock in charge we have collected about 50 per cent of our possible points. That is the sort of points average to propel us to the top eight. He has dramatically altered our points per game compared to the previous Trollope and that was with a few signings under a short time pressure. As his systems beds down and with more players signed in January we will only improve.

I will openly state my prediction. In his first full season in charge Warnock will take us from this lowly position and take us to a top eight finish. No problem. I only see reasons for optimism ahead.