Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Actually it's the truth according to Donald Trump. He worked out a long time ago that the MSM like to twist everything, push vague truths, and regularly omit things. That's why he uses Twitter and Facebook to communicate directly with the electorate.

You can actually trace the origins of this fake news story back to a tweet that was made in early November, after people had started to notice strange things being mentioned in the leaked Podesta emails https://mobile.twitter.com/jmpalmier...64366547533824 In order to suppress discussion surrounding these leaked emails, we had the Russian hacking story, and the attack on the alternative media.

The tables have now been turned with Trump's unexpected election victory, so we will have to wait and see what happens next, but I don't think we have heard the last of this.
How do you determine that 'trump's tweets are any more or less distorted than MSM news?
" Alternative facts" from both sides seems more likely.