Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
Yeah he doesn't seem far off having some sort of breakdown.

Its like he feels persecuted by the press, if he had a modicum of self reflection he could see that he's brought it upon himself to a large degree, and reign it in a bit to get an easier ride.
Unfortunately I don't think that self reflection is part of his make up.
The media aren't blameless in all of this and I think it's fair to say that there are plenty in their numbers that have an agenda, but Trump, and his staff, are only making the situation worse by the attitude which comes through every time someone who they perceive as hostile asks them a question.

I think I'm right in saying that the press conference yesterday went on for seventy seven minutes? I suppose the mainstream media might b e doing their bit for the globalist, liberal elite by concentrating only on the confrontational stuff, but it stretches credibility beyond limits to imagine that those of us who didn't watch the whole of the "event" are being denied the parts where Trump spoke, lucidly, persuasively and impressively about what's been achieved in his Presidency so far. What I've seen is someone who looks too thin skinned to be doing the job he is, playing game the media wants to play because he doesn't have the poise, dignity or class to rise above it and attempt to push the arguments his way. For example, for anyone to claim that they had a great policy, but got the wrong court (twice) doesn't just sound unconvincing, it sounds ludicrous - forget the politics, it's the man whose the issue here.

Also, is anyone else already getting sick and tired of people, from all shades of political opinion, squawking "that's fake news" every time they are asked an awkward question?