Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
One in the underground where a drunk friend began doing pull ups on an art installation (some real crap art, not a memorial) and a load, maybe not 10, of Frenchman went after us. Bashed me on the noggin. Spat at us. Other french people split it up as we'd have died. This was at 7am and people were going to work.

Then another 4 of them saw us walking out of the underground. They started shouting something in some language and we stopped to look back and they began pegging it after us.

Multiple other occasions like this and it was only the french that did it. The Englanders were the good guys.

Nothing major tbh but I don't follow cardiff or wales away normally so I don't claim to have any experience of foreign fisty cuffs.

I went to all of the Wales games in France & never had so much as a cross word with any of the locals or other fans, quite the opposite in fact. Maybe it was your behaviour that was the problem which caused the French to take a dislike to you.