the tv companies have dictated what is happening in football and have done for years , there stranglehold as just got tighter as the years have gone by , but while ever people pay into it and subscribe nothing will change . i along with many others long for the days when everybody kicked off at 3,oclock on a saturday afternoon, when the fa cup was not treated like meaningless second rate competition .

when fans could afford to go every week , without having to take out a second mortgage to buy a season ticket , when grounds had proper atmostpheres and not like funeral parlours like most have become , when players did not earn monopoly money before they could shave properly and can retire well before there career is finished . when a managers aim with a club was to try and win a trophy instead of trying to survive in the premier league because of the money lost if they dropped down a division the list is endless.

but of course this is never going to happen , because sky tv and the rest have turned the game around to suit themselves , and if you do not like it you can always switch off , the problem is the country as too many fans who will put up with anything providing they can watch their team live at the game and pay through the nose for the priveledge, or sit at home or in the pub and line the television companies pockets.