Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
Was thinking on why I have attended City games over the years, and decided there were a number of reasons , from a belonging and an allegiance to my home town , being a big footy fan,both in playing and watching , and importantly the attraction of match day banter,edginess, volatile atmospheres , humorous /extraordinary chant/ songs , the later few listed in bold could disappear as we move to a more sanitsied sport ,and PC correct world , question is would the removal of the banter ,risky edginess, stop you attending ,as in my view it brings a unique attraction ,that does not exist in many sports , other than perhaps certain cricket events.
Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
in the late 80's early 90's if the game had been the same as it is today, i would never have got involved in it, everything you have in bold is what attracted me to the game and sadly has now disappeared

as a benchmark, look at the torquay game in 93 ? ? ? that had it all, from the moment you got of the train to the time you got of the train in cardiff, it had it all, good times
Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I've become reconciled to believing that I think differently to most other City fans, so it's probably me, but I don't get how any one who claims to be a supporter of Cardiff City can look back on a match we lost and say it "had it all".

my post was in reply to the OP ( whom iI quoted )

the Torquay game had all of the points he mentioned " match day banter,edginess, volatile atmospheres , humorous /extraordinary chant/ songs " if you failed to see it or appreciate it at the time, you were doing something wrong