However, when we got back in the changing rooms we immediately knew something was wrong, we could all smell raw sewage. The gaffer, thinking nothing of it, began his post-match team talk, when in stormed Neil Warnock with a towel around his waist, flanked by his two goons Claude Davis and Shefqi Kuqi. Warnock was furious. He looked quite laughable wearing a bright yellow shower cap and holding a shower brush.

"What the f**k have you f**king f**ks been doing in here!?" he screamed. "The whole c**ting plumbing system is f**king f**ked. There's raw f**king sewage f**king backing up through the f**king showers and there's f**king hair everywhere..."

At that moment Warnock glanced over to Gabor who had already begun undressing. Neil's tirade stopped dead, his eyes full of rage, he pointed at Gabor and screamed "GET HIM!". Kuqi and Davis rushed towards the giant Hungarian. Gabor yelped, startled, you could see in his eyes that he knew he was in trouble.