It's easy to say that things would have been better with more Police but, as has already been mentioned, no number of Police would be able to stop a few terrorists in a van randomly mowing people down on our streets. Police in the community might help but it seems to me that the high number of rapid arrests after an incident suggests the Police already know who these people are and cannot do anything about them due to lack of evidence that would stand up in Court.

Any Party in opposition can easily claim the reduction in Police numbers is the reason for increasing terrorism but a government has to stand on its record. It's fine for Corbyn and Co to say Police numbers should be increased but, as many people suspect, along with more money for NHS workers, abandonment of tuition fees, various privatisations etc are purely fictitious aspirations. All of these things have to be paid for and will inevitably lead to higher taxes, higher interest rates and probably more unemployment to name a few.

As I said earlier Corbyn has a poor record of dealing with terrorists and the thought of John McDonnel (who wants to disarm Police) and Diane Abbot (who wants DNA databases to be wiped clean) looking after the security of this country is beyond comprehension.

Of course the Tories record is not unblemished but I would rather have them dealing with security issues than the other three mentioned.