Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
One of mine is Fulham and has been since 1968, seeing us win there 5-1. (I think it was, I know we scored 5)

Gang of us, got the train up and most of us only had platform tickets. .
If my memory serves me right, I believe we went 1-0 down to an early goal, but after that it was one way traffic, with Tosh, Clarky and Barrie Jones having a field day.

great day out, for a group of 16/17 year olds (and Splott Parker who was a whimsical 13, but still towered above all of us)

I can remember some of the school mates who travelled, John & Robert Corsi, Michael Stitfall, Paul Glavin, non school were Dave Beard, John & alan Frain, memories gone now.

What a fantastic day out, finished off making a record of City songs, on a machine in Paddington station.

Was it really 49 years ago !

Always loved the Fulham trip since.

What's your favorite Ground/ Trip ?
Tempted to say Burton although Fulham is a good shout if only to see if Inspector Leak is on duty with the local plod.
I presume Michael Stitfall is related to the Stitfall who played for City? The Stitfalls lived next door to my nan and gramp in Adamsdown.... not Splott.