Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
Read that article. They are requesting you don't say it. Not beating the shit into you if you say it.

You think you should have unrestrained right to say whatever you want because you, personally, have done nothing wrong. White people using it in the past has led it to have the connotations that it has. You didn't cause that, but you understand what those connotations are. So, I think it would be fair to ask you to not use it?.

My replies have answered your question multiply times by the way. The reasons why black people use it cover why white people should probably not

Would you be happy for me to abuse your family with whatever wordage I felt like?.
Again, at no point have I said I should have the "unrestrained right to say whatever I want".

The amount of times in this thread you've attributed statements to me falsely, I feel like you're having an argument with someone else completely. In fact, I'm going to stop talking to you now.