Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Why is there devision? Who is pushing this division? Maybe if you knew the answer you would have a different opinion.

My unbiased opinion is that things are moving in Trump's direction. Every new development is digging a deeper hole for those who are opposing Trump. I don't know what is going to happen, but maybe one day they will all fall in this hole? I'm just a neutral observer here, I don't have a horse in this race.

My name is Paul Evans and I'm biased when it comes to Trump. There you are, I said it and I feel so much better for having done so. We may be from opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to the Donald, but you really should do the same because, despite your constant denials that you have a problem, it's all too obvious to others that you do. Acknowledging it would be a big first step towards regaining the life you had before.