Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Including the BBC who seem to have a thing about transgender stories at the moment, hardly a day goes by without a mention.
They are actively promoting it with programmes like 'Just A Girl'

I keep finding myself looking at what Brendan O'Neill has to say about these things as he seems to be one of the few people left that have not gone insane..

"Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel?"

"The NHS now prescribes puberty-blocking drugs to so-called trans kids when they turn 10 or 11. This seems especially cruel, to deny children that tough but essential transitionary period, that biological burst that turns girls into women and boys into gruff-voiced scallywags who might one day mature into men. We do not ask 10-year-olds to make major decisions in relation to their schooling, where they live, smoking or sex; and yet we now invite them to make the terrifying existential choice to offset adulthood itself, to keep their hormones locked in limbo, to determine what sex they are. What a terrible burden to put on a human being who probably isn’t allowed to walk to the shop on his own or to stay up past 9pm"