Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Hillary would have been the US president if Trump wasn't.

I thought it was interesting that while Trump is busy giving his money away, Hillary is out promoting her new book and charging people for the pleasure. I've never heard of anybody asking for money to attend a book signing event before, have you?

Anyway, why are you focussing on this kind act of charity? Comey has just been rumbled for writing his report that Hillary was innocent of wrongdoing before he had even conducted the investigation, and the Awan case has the potential to be Watergate and Iran-Contra times a hundred.

You are worse than the MSM in the way that you ignore things! Here is a little tip: Hoping for something to be true will not make it true.
I've just seen something about this. It says the tickets are for the book tour, i.e. when she chats in front of an audience, not the book signing. Have you seen something to the contrary? If not, I am happy to put you right, I know you like your 100% accurate facts.