No league football for a bit so......

Another TWO hard forks are on the imminent horizon.

A hard fork is where the blockchain permanently splits. Holders of bitcoin in the block immediately before the hard fork/(split) end up with both types of coin. Exactly as happened with the creation of bitcoin cash (BCH) on 1st August. Bitcoin cash is worth about one tenth of the Bitcoin (BTC) value as I type this.
But if you held Bitcoin at the time of the fork you own both.

The first fork on around 25th October will create BITCOIN GOLD as a new coin.
Essential bitcoin GOLD reading.
This new coin aims to decentralise mining. One of Satoshi Nakamoto's original cryptocurrency ideals. taking control of the blockchain back to the masses.
This Bitcoin Gold is more of a threat to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) than Bitcoin (BTC).

The second hard fork is far far more contentious. This is the Segwitx2 hard fork due in November.
The Jury is out on how this EARTHQUAKE in the Bitcoin Core protocol will play out.

It is possible that if adopted by a majority of the community the new Segwitx2 version of bitcoin could be more valuable than the original (BTC).

By the end of November there will be 4 bitcoin chains. One will probably prevail guess is the current and much loved BTC.

Interesting times if you are Hodling.

Litecoin excites me as much as Bitcoin and I continue to acquire this Silver version of Bitcoin slowly.

I have dumped my Ethereum holding at a small loss as I dislike its association with ICOs.
Will i regret it?