Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post

I think Warnock has done a terrific job but I was frustrated with the performance and I cant stand it when managers look for an out by blaming the referee. Its something Warnock does often and it bugs me. I honestly think hes up there with Mourinho and Ferguson for blaming the refs. Things can bug us about even our closest loved ones, and I dont think theres any harm in saying so.

He also said the game went as he was expecting all week so I dont know why he didnt start Tomlin, or put him on sooner as the game was crying out for him. I have no doubt if we went into the Millwall game with the same team and tactics that we did Ipswich then we would have beaten them too.

Once I keep starting 20 threads a day about the rebrand, attendances and even our poor send off at Ninian Park then you can put me in the same catergory as **** Horibulus.
We are not going to win every game,we have been spoilt up to now.We have had our expectations raised thanks to Warnock.
He has been at this a long time knows what he is up to including having a go at the refs.If it gives us an edge fine by me.He is our manager and has earned our loyalty as far as I am concerned but everyone must do what they think is right.But dont be surprised if people have a go at you when negative views go against what the majority think.I do respect your right to say what you think just be sure to wear a tin hat.