Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
The past matters, it always matters. It's amazing, and amusing, that some key events of recent years are being conveniently swept under the carpet in yet another discussion about the piss poor crowds at Cardiff. You can try to disparage my point with the pointless comparison - it would work if I were mentioning it in a thread about who is the best right-back at the club, or my favourite packet of crisps, however I think Tan's antics have had some detrimental effect on the crowds. I am not, despite TH63's assertions, claiming that Tan is responsible for the complete downward spiral of attendances - I think there are many contributing factors. People mention theirs, and I agree with some, disagree with others.

So far, we have blamed
Too many games
Too few games
Russell Slade
Ticket prices (frozen for 8 years I think)
Fickle fans (but the club are 2nd, how can fickleness apply here?)

The only point that people seem to contend is my point that some fans are staying away DUE TO Tan's antics. People here disagree, but I have yet to see any poster say they have stopped going because of prices, or because the team are winning fewer games. I have seen people say they have stopped going because of the style of football. I have seen people say that they are not going simply due to Tan's actions (Alfie Sherwood, TLG, Jordi Cule - just a few off the top of my head).

I am not going because Tan is, in my opinion, the most odious owner that the club has had. He deliberately split the fan base in order to push through his reforms, and the only thing that would see me retract that statement is if (when he leaves the club) the club are debt free at the time of his departure. Therefore, by definition, Tan has contributed to at least some of the loss of support (because I would be at the games ordinarily). The only point of contention is, how much.
Youve hijacked another thread with your agenda. You obviously want to feel you are missed and hurting the club with your absence. Your not on either account. We cant resign Toshack or remove Vincent Tan.

The thread is highlighting all its doing. Weve had huge and record crowds in the past few seasons. The key is getting those back on a regular basis.

Ex fans are that. Its over for them/you. Your choice.
Its the thousands who still support this club and want long term success through the gates we need back and the club is doing loads.

Brilliant times to be a City fan.

You should move on.