Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
I have , it's just you don't like the answer

May is losing her grip , the Tory party is falling apart and the majority of the country have had enough of the Tories

She called an election and it backfired , she is propped up by a bunch of religious zealots and labour will be ready

You take care now
I know I said I wouldn't come back to you the fact you incorrectly state you have answered my question on borrowing has prompted me to come back.

This is the point you didn't answer:

"How much do you think a Labour government would have to borrow to fund the cancellation of PFI projects, cancellation of student debt, free tuition fees, rail privatisation, increased public sector pay etc etc. Probably around an additional £700bn. And you blame the Tories for excessive borrowing. Are you having a laugh?"