Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
The MSM looking like a bunch of idiots, but of course they are not idiots, as they were fully signed up to the collusion, cover-ups, misdirection and propagana that they gleefully undertook with relish and enthusiasm.

I also can't see how Mueller's investigation will remain credible, as the prime reason for it inception was manufactured, and many of those who worked on securing the indictments are now under investigation themselves.

There are still lots of hurdles to overcome, but it seems the resistance from certain tainted members of the DOJ and FBI is coming to an end.

However the fallout is going to be huge.
Yeah but what does that look like? Trump vindicated, Clinton prosecuted, Mueller sacked, Awan executed? You must have a picture in your head (scrub that its probably like Guernica or something by Dali in there)!