Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You've gone to great lengths to discredit a 4-star Navy Admiral, let's hope no skeletons pop out of the Obama/Hillary/Huma closet
Let's finish the sentence. A 90 year old ex-admiral who was removed from service in 1987 and most notable contribution to public life since then has been his claim February 2015 that the Muslim Brotherhood had succeeded in infiltrating every US security agency under the Obama presidency. He also alleged that John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was a Muslim convert. In addition, Lyons alleged that the Muslim Brotherhood was planning to start up a political party to influence American domestic politics.

So to be clear given that you have brought Seth Rich back into the debate. Are you saying he was killed because he downloaded Hillary Clinton's e-mails and sent them to Wikileaks?