Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I had the day off on Friday, but I was up early doing a bit of stats work for my section of the office. To break the monotony, I had a quick look at this board, as I often do if I'm at home working on my PC. I read through Penarth Blues' thread as I regard him as one of the few decent contributors left on this or any other CCFC message board. Lo and behold, good old Cleve van Leef had mentioned me in his post (which has since been heavily edited, I note). I responded to that message and have subsequently responded to the responses. It's no more complicated than that.

Reimbursing the official coaches for their aborted trip to Derby is indeed an admirable act, although I'm sure we all have our own opinions as regards the responsibilities, logistics and motivations behind it.

Yes, it's hard to believe a billionaire philanthropist who's given away half his fortune to charity would ever do something without ulterior motives isn't it.. Actually no, not at all.

FORBES INSIGHTS: What first inspired you to give? Why do you continue to give?

Vincent Tan: I started life in a poor family and could not even afford a proper tertiary education. I know what it is like not to have a lot of things that the average person these days will take for granted. I therefore consider myself very blessed to be where I am today despite the difficult early days, and ever since I achieved financial success I have felt a sense of responsibility to help those who are less fortunate. Furthermore, it is my belief that all our wealth and material possessions belong to God and we are merely His stewards, and for this reason I have always felt compelled to use my resources for the benefit of others as well.

FORBES INSIGHTS: What are the causes you support? Are they local or global? Has that changed over time?

Vincent Tan: The main causes I support include community causes (provide aid for the poor, children, elderly folks), health causes (provide support and financial aid for treatment of diseases like AIDS, kidney ailments, cancer, free acupuncture centre), education (providing scholarships for education, and free education for underprivileged children and youth), environmental preservation (protection and preservation of coral growth), support and promotion of local performing arts, and humanitarian assistance for disaster relief.

My current favourite cause is to help improve the standard of English in Malaysia. The English language is of great importance as a medium of education and communication, particularly in today’s world, and I find the declining standards in the English language in Malaysia in recent years to be a cause for concern. We are presently working with this organization called SOLS 24/7 to set up community learning centres in several parts of Malaysia to offer free education, with an emphasis on the English language, to underprivileged youths.

The causes I support are mainly local with some financial assistance on a few occasions for international disaster relief.

I started from simple cases of providing financial aid to the poor to where we are today.

FORBES INSIGHTS: How has your giving changed over time? From amount of giving to types of vehicles used?

Vincent Tan: As mentioned, I started with simple cases of providing financial aid to the poor, particularly in cases where funds are needed for medical treatment. The causes have grown to the extent that is mention in Para 2 above. I started off with making personal donations and eventually set up my own foundation, VTCY Foundation, now known as Better Malaysia Foundation. My contributions are also made through companies that I own.

There's another three pages of that. Why can't you admit he is actually an incredibly decent bloke that made a mistake with the best of intentions and has apologised and atoned for it.? Regardless of your bitterness, you're doing the man a massive disservice by painting him as you do.