Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Basically, it's because I don't believe he's an incredibly decent bloke who made a mistake with the best of intentions and has apologised and atoned for it. Indeed, there's not a single element of that sentence I agree with. But if you do, then fair enough. It's your opinion and you're welcome to it.

Did you not bother to read the rest of that article? Is your world so confined that your good deeds are restricted to helping out your mates (which is also admirable btw)

Tan may be able to afford it but that article shows that he’s a pretty special human being in my eyes (you probably think he does it out of ego I guess).... so what if he got a marketing plan wrong... far worse shit happens.... Fans are different to owners... it’s not a business to fans no matter how many times they investigate the balance sheet.

I enjoy the exchange with you, but you’re unfortunately coming across as a little bit stupid (I’ll wait for your defensive retort 😀, as you wont be able to stop yourself)