Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Maybe sometimes, but I think that your answer is a little dismissive. Grujic is used to building, have a look at how he receives the ball and looks up, yet time after time his team mates are running away from him. He's not used to that, coming from clubs where team mates make themselves available even in the tightest of situations, such is their ability to play this way. Warnock doesn't want that and Grujic is starting to understand that. He thinks that little bit quicker in my opinion, initially, couldn't understand why nobody wanted to receive the ball to feet and build, and at times he was caught in possession. He's still a bit raw, but his quality is there, lets be honest, from Klopp to Warnock is one hell of a culture shock in footballing terms. He's done well.
I agree. My answer was short because I was responding to the weird suggestion that every ball he plays is somehow brilliant and it’s the receiving player who’s at fault if he doesn’t get to it.

For clarity, I think Grujic is a real asset to the team. He’s just not quite yet the Messiah, so let’s not put him on a pedestal too soon. He could be though in time.