Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
Maybe there are a few 1000 fans who don't visit MB's who walked away at the red brand, and who have never returned but do not feel they have to justify their actions to anyone other than themselves. Additionally and while the results have been enough post the xmas break, the quality of football has been awful, I watched only the 2nd half in a pub last night, with two other fans who have been regulars previously, it was dire for a team in the lofty position that the club are in, CC played some excellent football which was a pleasure to watch (on TV) prior to Christmas and the brand of football then ditched for the up and under brand after the holiday, both brands have been effective, Cardiff has been a poorly supported club (relation to the size of the city, population) for a big proportion of their history, take away the support from the valleys and it would spotlight this even more, has generally been able to attract a big attendance for a big game, but also capable of dropping 1,000's from game to game, I like to see the team win and want to see promotion, but being a regular again, that's gone and ended with the red intervention, 7.45 pm Saturday K.O ? someones having a laugh.
The rebrand is over and done with and has been done to death by people like BIS. Its time to let it go, like most reasonable City fans already have. We have a team now who gives everything every game and never gives up. If you had been there watching the rubbish served up bu OGS, Slade and Trollopes teams you would have a better idea as to why our gates dropped so steeply after relegation from the Premier League and have taken so long to recover. Our average gate last season was 16500 and is now 19600 with one game to go which is good by anyones standards. There us no comparison between Warnocks teams and those before. The overall standard of our play this year is immeasureably better and we have a team to be proud of that is punching above its weight. Nobody (including NW, VT, the board and fans) thought we would be where we are now. If you and others dont want to come along to watch then fair enough but dont keep coming on here regurgitating the same old rubbish because it doesnt wash any more. Its your loss.