Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
Don't spout bull like that at me Sludge. It is not total crap at all. They received outline consent for the site 18 months ago. You CANNOT build houses with outline planning consent. They have submitted an application for reserved matters planning consent, This has now been approved. However, you still cannot yet build houses until, as outlined above, all of the pre-commencement conditions have been discharged. This is currently underway.

Let's just see how the sales go when, eventually, the houses are slowed to be built.
It is total crap , if you want proof come down here , I will show you around and take you around all the estates where you can see the rotting for sale signs

The local Tory town councillor lives next door but one to me , you can chat to him too , nice bloke but a Tory so we don't have much to talk about but he will fill you in on what's going on locally