Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Well it looks like we've found out which book Trump was busting his nuts about. It's Fear, by Bob Woodward, the journalist who exposed Watergate. Woodward seems to have chatted to a lot of people and in many cases has the audio.

We learn that John Kelly thinks the President is an idiot and "We're in Crazytown. I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."

We learn that Mattis says he has the analysis of a fifth grader and we're sending him in alone to negotiate with Putin and Kim Jong-Un.

And that Trump thinks McCain got out of his prisoner of war camp early when he's famous for turning it down and staying in to get tortured for years. And that he thinks Sessions is mentally retarded and a dumb Southerner. And that his advisers sometimes take documents off his desk (such as one which would have withdrawn the US from a trade agreement with South Korea) so that he can't sign them. And that after his Charlottesville condemnation of white supremacists, he thought it was "the biggest f**king mistake I've ever made. You never apologise. Why look weak?"

My favourite is the mock interview that Trump's lawyer, John Dowd, did with him to role play how it would go if he testified to Muller. During the mock, Trump lied repeatedly and said he'd be a great witness. Later, Dowd reenacted the mock interview in a meeting with Muller to explain why he didn't want Trump to sit there and be made to look an idiot. Dowd resigned not long after.

Maybe these stories are all lies, though I would wonder why a respected journalist would do that towards the end of a career that includes crucial contributions to two Pulitzer Prizes.

Here's a chat between Woodward and Trump about the book where he repeatedly chucks his staff under the bus. Sorry for the fake news link to the Washington Post who fake published the fake conversation.

Just in time for the elections! but General Kelly and General Mattis did say it was all a pile of made-up nonsense. Nice of you to mention Watergate and Pulitzer prizes in an attempt to give the liberal author some credibility, but when are we going to hear the tapes? Some how I doubt it, just like the Stormy tapes, the Cohen tapes, the Omarosa tapes, we won't hear a thing. Until then keep up the good work!