Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
So no comment about the surveillance of legitimate whistleblowers by the Obama administratio? You recently posted data to show how "clean" they were.

Ok then, here's a good confirmation bias test



You just don't get it with me do you? Have I ever shown much interest in your conspiracy theory stuff? Right from day one I've said that I wouldn't have voted for Trump or Clinton if I was American and I've also made it clear that I think the latter, and her husband, may be distinctly dodgy.

However, my focus has always been far more on Trump the man, rather than Trump the politician and this latest quote, along with the hilarious, but disturbing, video of how he deals with an open umbrella and his offer to pay the legal bills of anyone charged with assaulting a reporter are all recent examples of what has been clear to me for years - this is a man who is not emotionally equipped to do the job he finds himself in.

Also, the notion of you of all people setting me a "confirmation bias test" is too funny for words - the man who ALWAYS takes the side of whoever he perceives as the non globalist accusing others of bias completely explains the term "pot calling the kettle black" to anyone who is unfamiliar with the term.