Just a point of information, this area of London has been a fabulous mixed community for decades, (Portobello Road) but in the last 10 years there's been a huge regeneration in North Kensington and folk with money have moved in and pushed out the community that have lived there for years....The people that perished in the fire were mostly Morrocan that lived up the Goldbourne Road side originally but have been pushed out to what the money people feel is an undesirable tower-block.
I was the norman tebbit get on your bike generation, so I did and got myself a council flat in Portobello road in the 80s when no one wanted to live here because of the place being deemed rough and crime ridden, now they would like me to feck off back to Merthyr Tydfil so that some david cameron type can purchase my property.....and lastly when i grew up in the valleys in the 70s we prided ourselves on not being a racist community and we welcomed everyone especially people of colour after all we were black for 16 hours a day because of digging coal....sadly attitudes have changed by some.