Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Well you would have hated to take up the mantle but Theresa May certainly barged her way to the front of the queue when the opportunity arose.

She then almost single handedly initiated and executed the worst election campaign in living memory when you look at the poll lead she frittered away and the weakness that introduced by having to rely upon a minority party.

She then painted a load of unnecessary red lines that appeased the hard Brexiteers but handcuffed negotiators and looked even weaker when these red lines were softened. Its difficult to remember that pre and post referendum a range of options what Brexit could be were being articulated by the same Tory ministers and backbenchers who now are filleting May for negotiating one they don't like.

To give her credit she seems to be driven by a sense of duty. She has survived this far mainly due to the cowardice of other Tories who would rather criticise and undermine but didn't have the guts to put themselves forward as alternatives when they knew they would have to pick up responsibility for a crock of shit.
I am quite pleased with how well all of my predictions turned out