Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
On this day last year WB said:

Have you read the OIG thread? It's a glimpse of how organised and determined these folks are. I'm guessing it all goes back to Daddy Bush, so they've had 30 years to put all the gatekeepers in place. It's an extremely difficult task to dismantle any part the system as there is always somebody covering. As soon as Nunes was on the case, he was taken out by a democrat friendly to the cause and sidelined from his Committee. The Mueller enquiry is there to stop Uranium one progressing any further. Unfortunately they are losing. The first step will be a spring-clean of the intel agencies to get new people in who can actually do the job. Yes it's all roughly the same stuff, and we have known about it for over a year since the Clinton/DNC/Podesta emails were released. Even though the MSM would like you to believe differently, the genie is already out of the bottle. And don't forget this is a global problem, it doesn't stop at the US border.
An excellent summary if I may say so myself