Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
So which specific EU laws and rules are you looking forward to us changing then? Must be an absolute ton of them if you're happy to go out with the insecurity of no deal
You are missing the point. I want the UK to be in a position where we are are solely accountable for all our choices, laws and rules. The very fact that you are bandying about terms like “insecurity of a no deal” just shows how much of a strangle hold the EU have on us and others in a short space of time.
The guy at the end of my street is a nice guy, and I get on with him, but I wouldn’t want him having the power to tell me what to do in my own house.
You seem too ready to take the piss out of “ terms like “standing on our own 2 feet” or “ take back control”, but that’s what the majority voted for.
As I said earlier in the thread, we entered the common market in the 70’s ( without a vote) to form a trading partnership with other European countries. All of a sudden the EU has got a choke hold on us, and it will Only get tighter.
It’s fast becoming a power state, with shady characters gaining top positions randomly, along with massive wages and pensions.
As you’ve already said, this present government stinks, and I agree. But it’s a lot easier for us (the people) to change things at home , than it is to change things in the EU.