Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
The other parties aren’t the government, the other parties didn’t propose the referendum.

I know you like to share the blame and exonerate the Tories but it’s overwhelmingly largely on them.
I dislike the Tories along with the best of them.

Brexit is supposed to be non political , sitting on ones hands is not an option in these times , d I think the other control mechanism should be relaxed on this issue , and instead of playing political football, and realise that its also about the people wishes that the opposition is supposed to represent as well as hating the Tories .

If The Tories are responsible for all this then 17.5 million agree with them as that was the out vote ,they only had 13,667,213 in the election so one might say an election would be a best fit .

Strangely May's deal is a very soft remain Brexit agreed by Europe , so why not support it ,I'm guess i a lot of Labour would like too , ah maybe not as that would cost us in the next Election and defy the whip , its not just about one parties failures, and never has been ,I guess you know that anyway ??