I’d set aside a fund to make sure that my nephews and niece can go through university or an educational route of their choosing without having the pressure of student debt burdening them. I’d also make sure that there is plenty to look after my parents as they fall dependent on others in older age.

I’d quit my present employment and head off to see all the wonders of the world that I’m yet to visit. Chichen Itza, Nazca, Teotihaucan, Machu Picchu.

On my return I’d spend several months deciding on a small business which I could run as a sole trader and that would genuinely be enjoyable. A business that would afford me the time to study whatever college course took my fancy.

I’d also make a healthy and sizeable donation to Macmillan Cancer Support.

That aside, I suspect that I’d play a lot of golf and drink too much fine red wine.