Some interesting comments on the Breitbart article.

Liberals used to say they'll defend with their lives the freedom for you to say what you will. Now they say they will fight you if you don't shut up when they disagree with you.
Liberals used to say the likes of Abu Hamza and Anjem Choudary must have the freedom of speech!!!

Liberal politics. Today's liberals have become yesterday's fascists.. not exactly progress.

When a record shop tells me what I can or cannot buy, because of THEIR politics, it is time for me to find a new record shop.

PC gone crazy in Europe. Better wake up before it's too late. Banning free speech is communist and Hitler-esque.
Once you lose freedom, all else is lost. Pray for them for they know not what they do.

Just a few comments there...

I'd be interested in people's thoughts.