Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post

Getting back to the Big C, unless it was an inexplicable coincidence then Griffin's on the money. A few years ago a lady I knew in her 70s was diagnosed out of nowhere with stage 4 NH lymphoma. She was adamant she wouldn't go down the chemo/radiotherapy route. She'd suffered ill health with various ailments for years and had tired of life, and said she'd go the natural way and with all her head hair. I coaxed her into taking B17, gave her a kilo bag of bitter apricot kernels to suggest she nibble on and swallow 15 per day which she did. Three months later a scan showed the cancer had 90% gone and disappeared three months later at the next one. Sadly, she died weeks later from an unrelated lung infection.
A google search suggests: "Commercial sources that promote the consumption of raw apricot kernels recommend between 6 and 10 kernels per day. Some recommend more for people with cancer, but this can be dangerous."

Oh my god, you killed that woman.