Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
If the scientific evidence about climate change is to be believed, and there is no reason why it shouldn’t be, then why are governments all over the world, so reluctant to act on it?
Some pay lip service to it, and carry out token gestures, but on the whole, very little is being done, considering it’s a being described as a serious threat to future generations.
In reality, we could be living on the cleanest planet in the universe, and it wouldn’t matter a jot! As I said earlier in this thread, the probable downfall of mankind won’t be climate change, it will be greed and religion. 2 facts of life that, unlike climate change, can never be altered, or eradicated.
The most frustrating thing about the situation, is millions of people all over the world, are peace loving, caring of their fellow man, and willing to help the planet and others if they can, but since time began, the fate of many, has always been guided by the hands of few.
My advice to everyone on here, is live your life as fully as you can, be good to your neighbours and friends, and try not to worry about things out of your control.
It’s a fact of life, that the minority will always try to spoil it for the majority.
Greed and religion have both been around for millennia and humans are still going strong.

Governments haven't done much because it's expensive to change infrastructure which in some cases may be fairly new, and big changes often have an immediate negative economic impact. Far easier for them to kick the can down the road and let some other politicians get the rap.

Trump is a great example, someone who is definitely not a long term leader. One of the first things on his to-do list was to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement, because it's an easy win to say you're bringing jobs back by re-opening the mines and factories and not letting outsiders tell you what to do (Brexit?).