There’s so much virtue-signalling from male football fans over the WWC. The standard is that of 12 year-old boys. Very skilful 12 year-old boys admittedly.

When France scored their third against South Korea (the kind of goal Thierry Henry was famous for scoring) the commentator (I think that it was Barry Davies] shrieked like he had won the lottery while having an orgasm. Yes, it was a decent strike but the ball was travelling at about 30 mph and curled almost imperceptibly.

Can you imagine a match between, say, Newport County and one of these women’s teams. If the men went at it full throttle each tackle would likely dislocate joints and/or break limbs. Speed is crucial in football and given that men are 15% quicker than women the men would run rings round the women, both figuratively and literally.

I would love it, LOVE IT if such a match could be played.