Never had any intention of watching it, but watched Newsnight which was entirely devoted to it. The impression I got there was a slight one that Javid had the best debate.

Maybe Emily Maitlis was harsh on Boris Johnson because she had one of the few opportunities to try to ask searching questions of him (seems she was ignored most of the time) without being booed by Johnson supporters like a couple of journalists were in his only previous, very brief, q and a session - the fact he could not remember the name of the person who asked the question about Islamophobia just seemed so appropriate given the nature of the question.

Rory Stewart really surprised me when he agreed that he had been lacklustre in the debate - it was just so different from the sort of answer I've become conditioned to hearing from a politician, but, if Javid did indeed debate well, I think the man who the media have latched on to because he was a bit different from the rest may have run his race by this time tomorrow.