Steve Coogan's depiction of Alan Partridge as a Toblerone fiend (as revealed in his "autobiography") struck a bit of a chord with me because I do have a degree of cynicism when it comes to people in the public eye having to get the details of their mental issues "out there" for us all to read or hear about. I'd also say that I've definitely been quite hard on Lee Tomlin because I feel there is nothing worse in professional sport than wasted talent as careers are frittered away through self indulgence - I was all for getting him off our books if we possibly could.

That said, the Daily Mail article has made me change my mind about Tomlin - I believe him, simple as that. If those who see him training every day at the club believe there has been a significant change in Tomlin's mental approach (he genuinely looks to have made big efforts to improve his physical fitness), then I say get him in the first team squad as soon as possible - he would be a great option to have on the bench because, at his best, he would give us something that we don't have at the moment, he'd be like a new signing for us.