Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
I've no idea but your 100% off the mark. The environmental and CC zealots and their supporters claim the moral high ground as if everyone else is dumping toxic waste in their back garden every night. Personally I care 100% for the environment as do most like me, but we don't lecture everyone else on how good we are, flying around the world then paying people to plant trees for us. Tell that little snivelling brat to to China and by bike, too..
Why are you so angry with her? She's not lecturing, she's trying to bring to attention that action needs to be taken now. I know it's embarrassing that it's had to be a 16 year old girl that's taken the lead on this huge matter, I'm embarrassed too, but I respect her for it.

It's clearly triggered a lot of insecurities in you though, I mean calling a 16 year old who's stood up and made a speech in front of the United Nations a "little snivelling brat"? She's stronger and has got more courage and conviction than you and I put together and I'm not threatened by that, you (and plenty of others) scream of it though.