Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
The 'ordinary guy' should be his own priority because despite the empty promises of politicians there's no such thing as a free lunch in the real world.

Better to rely on yourself than wait for any state institution to do what they promised, because you'll wait a long long time !

It's a huge mistake to bracket supporters of Brexit in that way. It's simply not true that they're all right wing, left wing, anti Polish, pro American or anything else . It's certainly incorrect that they are all thick or don't understand the issues.
Nice straw man you built there.

The ordinary guy doesn't get to chose whether he pays NI or not, this kind of policy amounts to pulling the rug out from underneath some of the poorest people in society. Saying people should sort it themselves is just empty nonsense.

Today I learnt though that you are expecting a 'free lunch' if you want dignity in retirement after directly contributing to the system for 45+ years.

Maybe we should have a referendum on it?