Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
More bollocks ! People are taller if their parents or ancestors were tall. It's not a quirk of fate at all. What's more you compound your self important attitude by trying to patronise LOM and telling me that you don't think I'm capable of understanding a point.
The fact is that you're a weak man, which is obvious since your only route to self worth is trying to diminish others.

Make no mistake though, you're not convincing anyone with your bullshit.
Who's stalking bullshit now Philip. Your empty ad hominem attacks fool no one and just serve to emphasize your vacuity.

Among the myriad of subjects you obviously have no knowledge about is biology otherwise you would clearly understand that evolution operates entirely on quirks of fate and indeed the results are often ..quirky! Of course we all know that physical traits are bestowed upon later generations by a prior gene pool but what's that got to do with the discussion?

By the way nowhere have I patronised LOM. He has declared that he has special needs and I respect him for his admission. In my mind it takes a man to do that and I actually think that, in the circumstances, he expresses himself very well and I actually like him for his honesty. Unlike you Philip who I regard as a Walter Mitty character.